We are heartbroken by the killing of George Floyd, and we share in the pain and anger of witnessing yet another unconscionable death that demonstrates the continuing racism and oppression faced by Black people in our country.
We have a long, proud history of alliance with organizations and activists working in countless ways, every day, to improve the way our communities see, care for, empower, and lift up people who are ignored, marginalized, disenfranchised, or silenced. Our work supports organizations that address inequality, illuminate injustice, drive systemic reform, and challenge leadership at all levels to build a more inclusive, humane, and just society.
But the events of the last week and a half, and the powerful discussions that have begun within our own firm, have shown us that we need to do more. Over the coming weeks, we will explore ways in which Adler & Colvin can apply our expertise and our commitment to a just and civil society to participate more directly in the work of fighting racism and racial injustice and amplifying the message that Black lives matter. We are equally committed to working toward more deeply incorporating principles of justice, equity, and inclusion in the way our firm does its work.
We don’t yet know exactly what form these efforts will take, but we do know that we must direct our sorrow toward standing in solidarity against racism and hate, and joining with our clients, neighbors, and communities to demonstrate and demand better.